SDK functions

This chapter explains the functions you can use when developing your own application or plugin. Below figure illustrates the project structure of ViCANdo:




class VxObject : public QObject

Constructs an object:

explicit VxObject()

Increases the reference count of object:

void ref()

Increase the reference count of object, and possibly remove the floating reference, if object has a floating reference:

void sinkRef()

Decreases the reference count of object. When the reference count is 0, the object is finalized(i.e. its memory is freed):

void unref()

Removes the floating reference of the object(Sets the floating state to false):

void sink()

Checks whether object has a floating reference:

bool isFloating()

Gets descriptive name that can be shown in the project explorer:

virtual const QString getObjectText()

Returns the reference count of object:

int refCount()


template<VxReference T>
class VxReference

Constructs an object with no references:


Constructs an object with reference copied from the input _copy:

VxReference(const VxReference<T> &_copy)

Constructs an object with an object pointer:

VxReference(T *_object_ptr)



Takes the reference count from the input _object:

void take(T *_object)

Gets the current reference count of the object:

T *get() const

The operator to get a member:

T *operator->()

The operator to get the pointer of member:

const T *operator->() const

The operator to get the pointer of a member:

operator T*() const

The operator to get the address of the member:

T *operator&() const

Equal operator:

VxReference<T> &operator=(const VxReference<T> &_copy)

Equal operator:

VxReference<T> &operator=(T *object_ptr)

Other functions

Returns the hash code of the VxReference object:

inline uint qHash(VxReference<T> object)


class VxData : public VxObject



READ accessor







Constructs a VxData object with argument timestamp in micro-seconds:

VxData(qint64 _time_stamp_in_us)

Converts to QByteArray:

virtual QByteArray toByteArray()

Returns true if objects are equal:

virtual bool equals(VxData *data)

Converts QScriptEngine object to QScriptValue:

virtual QScriptValue toScriptValue(QScriptEngine *script_engine)

Retrives the DataRowRenderer:

virtual VxDataRowRenderer *getDataRowRenderer()

Returns the value of the property time:

qint64 getTimeStampInUs()

Returns true if the object is statistic data:

bool isStatisticData()

Returns the value of the property data:

QVariantList getVariantData()


This file contains macro definitions for the shared library


class VxTimer : public VxObject

Constructs a VxTimer object:


Gets descriptive name that can be shown in the project explorer:

const QString getObjectText()

Restarts the timer:

void restart()

Sets the offset time in milli-seconds:

void setTimeOffsetInMs(qint64 time_in_ms)

Sets the offset time in micro-seconds:

void setTimeOffsetInUs(qint64 time_in_us)

Returns the elapsed time in milli-seconds:

qint64 elapsedInMs()

Returns the elapsed time in micro-seconds:

qint64 elapsedInUs()

Returns the current timestamp in milli-seconds:

static qint64 getCurrentTimeInMs()

Returns the current timestamp in micro-seconds:

static qint64 getCurrentTimeInUs()


class VxComponent : public VxObject



READ accessor







Constructs a VxComponent object:


Public functions

Get Icon to display:

virtual QIcon getIcon()

Returns the number of the properties:

int getPropertyCount()

Returns the property descriptor of the component based on the index:

VxReference<VxPropertyDescriptor> getPropertyDescriptor(int index)

Sets the component object ID, this method should only be called once:

void setObjectID(const quint64 &_object_id)

Retrieves the component object ID. This method may not be invoked before setObjectID has been invoked:

quint64 getObjectID()

Returns true if object ID is already set by setObjectID():

bool isObjectIDSet()

Actions to display in context menu for component:

virtual QList<QAction*> actions(QWidget *parent)

Register source to the script engine. Returns the object that will be registered to the script engine:

virtual QScriptValue registerToScriptEngine(QScriptEngine *_script_engine)

Drag and Drop. Returns true if drag is enabled for this component:

bool isDragEnabled()

Drag and Drop. Returns true if drop is enabled for this component:

bool isDropEnabled()

Returns true if the mime_data can be handled by the model, otherwise returns false:

virtual bool dropMimeData(VxProject *project, const VxComponentMimeData *mime_data, int index)


New message to display on the console:

void newLogMessage(const QString &message)

Information for the object is updated:

void update(VxObject *_this)

Emitted when a property for this has changed:

void propertyChanged(const QString &property_name)

Emitted if user wants to delete this compoent:

void deleteComponent(VxComponent *_this)

Emitted when all properties in projects need to be refreshed:

void refreshAllProperties()

Public slots

Write a new message to the console windows:

void logMessage(const QString &message)

Deletes the component:

void deleteComponentAction()

Protected functions

Invoked when user request this component to be deleted. Optionally implemented by subclasses to add some special handling to this event:

virtual void componentDeleteRequest()

Add a new property descriptor to the list:

void addProperty(VxPropertyDescriptor *property_descriptor)

Remove the component property:

void removeComponentProperty(const QString &property_name)

Reference to the script engine used by the project. Returns 0 before registerToScriptEngine has been invoked:

QScriptEngine *scriptEngine()

Every component has an object ID that is unique within the project:

quint64 object_id

Enable/Disable drag for this component:

void setDragEnabled(bool enabled)

Enable/Disable drop for this component:

void setDropEnabled(bool enabled)

Other functions

Returns the hash code of the object: .. cpp:function:: inline uint qHash(VxReference<VxComponent> component)


Main function

The main function of the application. You can specify the arguments, application icon file and your own application engine object:

int vxAPP_main(int argc, char *argv[], const QString &app_icon, const QMetaObject *app_engine_class)


To be able to understand below functions, you need to have basic knowledge of QML/C++ hybrid programming skills. Below links from Qt provide useful information for you to get started. You can also refer to the simple J1939 demo application source code to learn how to setup your own QML application on top of the ViCANdo project.

VxAppQmlApplicationEngine class provides a convenient way to load an application from the single qml file:

class VxAppQmlApplicationEngine : public QQmlApplicationEngine

Parameterized Constructor. Parameter _app_name is your application’s name. Parameter _project_path is the path of the ViCANdo.project file inside your Qt application:

VxAppQmlApplicationEngine(const QString &_app_name, const QString &_project_path)

Class destructor:


Virtual initialization function. You need to implement your own init() function:

virtual void init()

Virtual postInit() function. To be executed after init() was called:

virtual void postInit()

Checks the ViCANdo SDK license status of the connected USB-CAN interface. Return false if the license is invalid:

bool checkLicense()

Updates the list of the available CAN channels:

void updateCANChannelList()

Returns the pointer of the QML component object:

QQmlComponent *getQMLComponent()

Sets the project recording_directory path:

void setProjectRecordingDirectory(const QString &recording_directory_path)

Finds the object in the project by the object name which can be set in the Component properties window of the sources in ViCANdo. Returns the pointer of the object:

QObject *findProjectObject(const QString &component_name)


VxProject class is the base class of the ViCANdo project. From this class you will have access to the properties and configuration of the project.

class VxProject : public VxComponent



READ accessor


















getLimitRecordTime(). True if limit record time is checked






getLimitRecordTime(). True if limit record time is checked

Public functions

Class constructor:

VxProject(const QString &name, const QString &directory)


  • name is the name of the project.

  • directory is the folder directory of the project.

Open project dialog:

static QString openProjectDialog(QWidget *parent = 0)

Open project:

static VxReference<VxProject> openProject(const QString &project_path, QWidget *parent = 0)


  • project_path is the absolute path of the project.

Save project:

void saveProject()

Load project:

bool loadProject()

Save project as:

void saveProjectAs(QWidget *parent)

Get next object ID:

quint64 nextObjectID()


Enumerator State provides all kinds of states the project can have, corresponding with the menus in the software.

Idle state is when a project is opened but no action were taken.

enumerator State::Idle
enumerator State::WaitingForPrepare
enumerator State::Prepare

Recording state is when the record button is clicked. ViCANdo starts to record the data.

enumerator State::Recording

Playing state is when a session is selected to playback.

enumerator State::Playing

Pause state is when pause menu is clicked.

enumerator State::Pause
enumerator State::RewindingBeforePlayback


Enumerator TriggerAction provides the default actions for a trigger.

This action will start recording when the trigger is trigged:

enumerator TriggerAction::StartRecordAction

This action will stop recording when the trigger is trigged:

enumerator TriggerAction::StopRecordAction

This action will insert a log marker when the trigger is trigged:

enumerator TriggerAction::LogMarkerAction

This action will set a bookmark when the trigger is trigged:

enumerator TriggerAction::SetBookmarkAction
const QString getObjectText()
QList<QAction*> actions(QWidget *parent)
bool isReadOnlyResource()
const QString &getDirectory()
const QString &getRecordDirectory()
void setProjectRecordDirectory(const QString &_project_record_directory)
const QString &getApplicationDirectory()
void setApplicationDirectory(const QString &app_dir)
QList<VxReference<VxDataSource>> getDataSourceList()
QList<VxReference<VxSlaveSource>> getSlaveSourceList()
QList<VxReference<VxSource>> getSourceList()
int getDataSourceCount()
QList<VxReference<VxPresenter>> getPresenterList()
QList<VxReference<VxTrigger>> getTriggerList()
QList<VxReference<VxScriptletComponent>> getScriptletList()
QList<VxReference<VxDBCComponent>> getDBCList()
VxReference<VxDBCComponent> getDBCComponentById(quint64 component_id)
VxReference<VxDBCComponent> getDBCComponentByName(const QString &name)
VxReference<VxDBCComponent> getDBCComponentByFilePath(const QString &file_path)
VxReference<VxScriptletComponent> getScriptletByName(const QString &name)
QStringList getTriggerActionTextList()
const QString getProjectName()
void setProjectName(const QString _project_name)
int getPreTriggerTime()
void setPreTriggerTime(int pre_trigger_time_in_ms)
qint64 getRecordTimerStartOffsetInUs()
bool getReturnToArmedAfterTrigger()
void setReturnToArmedAfterTrigger(bool v)
bool getLimitRecordTime()
void setLimitRecordTime(bool v)
void resetRecordTimer()
int getMaxRecordingTime()
void setMaxRecordingTime(int max_recording_time_in_s)
bool getContinueRecordInANewSession()
void setContinueRecordInANewSession(bool v)
QList<VxReference<VxDataSource>> getDataSourceListMatchingType(const QMetaObject *meta_object)
QList<VxReference<VxDataSource>> getDataSourceListMatchingType(const char *class_name)

template<class T> .. cpp:function:: QList<VxReference<T> > getDataSourceListMatchingType()

template<class T> .. cpp:function:: QList<VxReference<T> > getPresenterListMatchingType()

template<class T> .. cpp:function:: QList<VxReference<T> > getPresenterListMatchingType(const QString& type_name)

template<class T> .. cpp:function:: QList<VxReference<VxPresenter> > getPresenterListMatchingInterface()

QList<VxReference<VxSession>> getAllSessionList()
QList<VxReference<VxSessionGroup>> getTopLevelSessionGroupList()
VxReference<VxSessionGroup> getAllSessionsGroup()
VxReference<VxSession> getSessionByID(quint64 object_id)
void addNewSession(VxReference<VxSession> session)
void addNewSessionGroup(VxReference<VxSessionGroup> session_group, VxSessionGroup *parent_session_group = 0)
int addSessionGroup(VxReference<VxSessionGroup> session_group, VxSessionGroup *parent_session_group)
void enumerateSessionGroups(const QString &name)
State getCurrentState()
VxSession *getCurrentSession()
VxScriptEngine *getScriptEngine()
VxReference<VxMarkerList> getMarkerList()
VxReference<VxDataSource> getDataSourceMatching(quint64 source_id)
VxReference<VxSource> getSourceMatching(quint64 source_id)
VxReference<VxPresenter> getPresenterMatching(quint64 source_id)
VxReference<VxLogDataFile> getLogDataFileMatching(quint64 log_data_file_id)
void addDataSource(VxDataSource *source)
void addSlaveSource(VxSlaveSource *source)
void addPresenter(VxPresenter *presenter)
void addTrigger(VxTrigger *trigger)
void addScriptlet(VxScriptletComponent *scriptlet)
void addDBC(VxDBCComponent *dbc_component)
bool prepareSession()
bool startRecord()
bool breakRecord(bool create_new_session)
bool playSession(VxSession *session)
bool seekToPositionForSession(VxSession *session, qint64 position_in_time)
bool pause()
bool resume()
void stop(bool called_from_scriplet = false)
void shutdown(bool called_from_scriplet = false)
VxDataSource::PlaybackMode getPlaybackMode()
void setPlaybackMode(VxDataSource::PlaybackMode _playback_mode)
void selectData(VxSource *source, VxData *data)
QIcon getIcon()
void clearAppicationSettings()
void addApplicationSetting(const QString &key, const QByteArray value)
QByteArray getApplicationSetting(const QString &key)
bool hasApplicationSettingKey(const QString &key)
void emitNewSearchMatch(VxSession *session, VxDataSource *source, qint64 time_pos, const QString data_content_text)
void emitSessionRangeChanged(VxSession *session)
VxReference<VxSlaveSource> getSlaveSourceFor(VxComponent *originator, VxSource *master_source, const QString &key, qint64 object_id = -1)
void invalidateSlaveSourcesFor(VxComponent *originator)
void removeInvalidSlaveSources()
VxReference<VxComponent> getOriginatorFor(VxReference<VxSlaveSource> slave_source)
void detachSlaveSource(VxPresenter *from_presenter, VxSlaveSource *slave_source)
void detachTrigger(VxTrigger *trigger)
VxProjectQMLProxy *getQMLProxy()
void emitClearConsoleSignal()
void removeDataSource(VxDataSource *data_source)
void removeComponentFromProject(VxComponent *component)
void storeScriptValue(const QString &key, const QString &value)
QString readStoredScriptValue(const QString &key)
void removeStoredScriptValue(const QString &key)
bool hasStoredScriptValue(const QString key)
void clearStoredScriptValues()
VxReference<VxTimerBase> getRecordTimer()
VxReference<VxTimerBase> getPlaybackTimer()
float getPlaybackFactor()
void selectPresenter(VxPresenter *presenter)
QString getRecordStartStopReason()
QList<VxReference<VxBookmark>> getRecordSessionBookmarkList()


void newSourceAdded(VxSource *source)
void newPresenterAdded(VxPresenter *presenter)
void newSessionGroupAdded(VxSessionGroup *session_group, int index)
void newTriggerAdded(VxTrigger *data_trigger)
void newScriptletAdded(VxScriptletComponent *scriptlet)
void newDBCAdded(VxDBCComponent *dbc)
void currentSessionChanged(VxSession *session)
void componentRemoved(VxComponent *component)
void stateChanged(VxProject::State prev_state, VxProject::State new_state)
void playTimeUpdated(qint64 elapsed_time_in_us, qint64 end_time_in_us)
void startSeek()
void seekDone()
void dataSelected(VxSource *source, VxData *data)
void clearSelection()
void clearSearchResults()
void searchDone()
void newSearchMatch(VxSession *session, VxDataSource *source, qint64 time_pos, const QString &data_content_text)
void clearConsole()
void playbackFinished()
void playbackModeChanged(VxDataSource::PlaybackMode playback_mode)
void sessionRangeChanged(VxSession *session)
void updateSession(VxSession *session)
void projectNameChanged()
void objectSelected(VxObject *object)
void recordBreak(qint64 break_time_in_us)

Public slots

void setPlaybackSpeedFactor(float factor)
void updatePlaytime()
void openSearchDialog(VxSessionGroup *session_group, VxSession *session)
void setHighlightedText(const QString &text, Qt::CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity = Qt::CaseInsensitive)
void clearPresenterViews()
void startBacktraceUpdate()
void stopBacktraceThread()
void restartScriptEngine()
void mark(const QString &marker_id)










A class contains all the CAN related enumerations.

class VxCANFlags


MessageFlagsMask provides the message flags. All flags and/or combinations of them are meaningful for both transmitted and received CAN messages:

enumerator MessageFlagsMask::Rtr = 0x00001
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::Standard = 0x00002
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::Extended = 0x00004
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::Wakeup = 0x00008
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::NError = 0x00010
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::ErrorFrame = 0x00020
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::TxMsgAcknowledge = 0x00040
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::TxMsgRequest = 0x00080
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::ErrorMask = 0x0ff00
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::ErrorHWOverrun = 0x00200
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::ErrorSWOverrun = 0x00400
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::ErrorStuff = 0x00800
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::ErrorForm = 0x01000
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::ErrorCRC = 0x02000
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::ErrorBIT0 = 0x04000
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::ErrorBIT1 = 0x08000
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::InternalFrame = 0x10000
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::ISO15765ExtAddr = 0x20000
enumerator MessageFlagsMask::ISO15765UnknownType = 0x40000


CapabilitesMask provides additional function masks for the messages. It specifies the type of the message:

enumerator CapabilitesMask::ExtendedCAN = 0x00000001L
enumerator CapabilitesMask::BusStatistics = 0x00000002L
enumerator CapabilitesMask::ErrorCounters = 0x00000004L
enumerator CapabilitesMask::CanDiagnostics = 0x00000008L
enumerator CapabilitesMask::GenerateError = 0x00000010L
enumerator CapabilitesMask::GenerateOverload = 0x00000020L
enumerator CapabilitesMask::TxRequest = 0x00000040L
enumerator CapabilitesMask::TxAcknowledge = 0x00000080L
enumerator CapabilitesMask::Virtual = 0x00010000L
enumerator CapabilitesMask::Simulated = 0x00020000L
enumerator CapabilitesMask::Remote = 0x00040000L


DriverMode provides the general CAN bus driver mode.

enumerator DriverMode::Off = 0
enumerator DriverMode::Silent = 1
enumerator DriverMode::Normal = 4
enumerator DriverMode::SelfReception = 8


ReadResult provides the status code for the function that reads the CAN message:

enumerator ReadResult::ReadStatusOK = 0
enumerator ReadResult::ReadTimeout = -1
enumerator ReadResult::ReadError = -2


SendResult provides the status code for the function that transmits the CAN message:

enumerator SendResult::SendStatusOK = 0
enumerator SendResult::SendTimeout = -1
enumerator SendResult::TransmitBufferOveflow = -2
enumerator SendResult::SendInvalidParam = -3
enumerator SendResult::SendError = -4


An interface class that describles general functions needed for supported CAN interfaces:

class VxCANInterface : public VxCANFlags

Class constructor:


Returns the capabilite of the message. The return value can be one or combined CapabilitesMask.

virtual quint32 canGetCapabilites()

Reads a CAN message from the receive buffer of the CAN interface:

virtual ReadResult canRead(long &id, QByteArray &data, unsigned int &flag, qint64 &timestmap_in_us, int timeout_in_ms)


  • id is the CAN message identifier.

  • data is the data field of the CAN message.

  • flag is one or combined MessageFlagsMask.

  • timestmap_in_us is the timestamp of the message in micro-seconds.

  • timeout_in_ms is the maximum time in milli-seconds to read the message. If no message is read when time reachs timeout_in_ms, ReadResult::ReadTimeout will be returned.

Returns: One of the ReadResult.

Sends a CAN message from the CAN interface:

virtual SendResult canSend(const long id, const QByteArray &data, const unsigned int flag, int timeout_in_ms)


  • id is the CAN message identifier.

  • data is the data field of the CAN message.

  • flag is one or combined MessageFlagsMask.

  • timeout_in_ms is the maximum time in milli-seconds to send the message. If no message is sent when time reachs timeout_in_ms, SendResult::SendTimeout will be returned.

Returns: One of the SendResult.


class VxPluginDescriptor : public QObject

Class constructor:

VxPluginDescriptor(const QString &_name, const QString &_description)


  • _name is the name of the plugin.

  • _description is the description of the plugin.

Returns the name of the plugin:

const QString &getName()

Returns the description of the plugin:

const QString &getDescription()

Register as the global resources:

virtual void registerGlobalResources()


This file contains macro definitions for the video module.


Open CV , the open source computer vision and machine learning software library was used in ViCANdo SDK. This class provides the functions for processing video frame data.

class VxVideoFrameData : public VxData

Class constructor:

VxVideoFrameData(int _frame_number, qint64 _time_stamp)


  • _frame_number is the number of the video frame.

  • _time_stamp is the timestamp of the video frame.

Returns the IplImage format of the video frame. Read more about IplImage from this link

virtual IplImage *getIplImage()

Returns Scriptvalue of the script engine:

QScriptValue toScriptValue(QScriptEngine *script_engine)

Converts the video frame to QImage:

QImage toQImage()

Returns the frame number:

int getFrameNumber() const

Returns the maximum length of the time format. The time format is 00:00:00.000, with a length of 12.

static int getTimeFormatMaxLength()

Returns the application timer format:

QString getApplicationTimerFormat()

Returns the format of the frame count:

QString getFrameCountFormat()

Returns true if two VxData objects are the same:

bool equals(VxData *data)


class VxImageProcessor : public VxObject

Nested class: Object

class Object


QPen pen
QPolygon polygon
QString info
QPoint info_pos

Resizes the polygon:

QPolygon scale(const QSize &from_size, const QSize &to_size)


  • from_size is the original size of the polygon.

  • to_size is the destination size you want to resize to.

Resizes the point:

QPoint scaleInfoPos(const QSize &from_size, const QSize &to_size)


  • from_size is the original size of the point.

  • to_size is the destination size you want to resize to.

Public functions

Class constructor:


Processes the input video frame data:

virtual void processVideoFrameData(VxReference<VxVideoFrameData> _video_frame_data)


Updates the object list:

void updateObjectList(const QString &key, QList<VxImageProcessor::Object> object_list)


  • key is the key of the object list to be updated.

  • object_list is the object list to be updated.


class VxImageProcessorDescriptor : public VxPluginDescriptor

Class constructor:

VxImageProcessorDescriptor(const QString &_name, const QString &_description)


  • _name is the name of the image processor.

  • _description is the description of the image processor.

Class destructor:


Creates a VxImageProcessor object for the input VxProject object:

virtual VxImageProcessor *create(VxProject *project)

Loads the VxImageProcessor object:

virtual VxImageProcessor *load(VxProject *project, QDomElement &source_root)


  • project is the pointer of the VxProject object.

  • source_root is the address of the element in the DOM tree.


This file contains the utility classes of the image math calculations.


A class handles the exponential moving average(EMA)

class VxExpMovingAverage

Class constructor:


Clears current EMA:

void clear()

Adds value to current EMA:

void add(double value)

Gets the current EMA:

double get()


class VxImageMath

Returns the subtraction of two 2D 32-bit floating points:

static CvPoint2D32f sub(CvPoint2D32f b, CvPoint2D32f a)

Returns the multiplication of two 2D 32-bit floating points:

static CvPoint2D32f mul(CvPoint2D32f b, CvPoint2D32f a)

Returns the addition of two 2D 32-bit floating points:

static CvPoint2D32f add(CvPoint2D32f b, CvPoint2D32f a)

Multiplies a point by a scalar:

static CvPoint2D32f mul(CvPoint2D32f b, float t)


  • b is the 2D point.

  • t is the scalar.

Returns the Dot Product of two points:

static float dot(CvPoint2D32f a, CvPoint2D32f b)

Returns the distance of the point v:

static float dist(CvPoint2D32f v)

Gets the closest point on segment:

static CvPoint2D32f pointOnSegment(CvPoint2D32f line0, CvPoint2D32f line1, CvPoint2D32f pt)


  • line0 is one end point coordinate of the segment.

  • line1 is the other end point coordinate of the segment.

  • pt is any point on the segment.

Returns the perpendicular distance between point and line:

static float dist2line(CvPoint2D32f line0, CvPoint2D32f line1, CvPoint2D32f pt)


  • line0 is one end point coordinate of the line.

  • line1 is the other end point coordinate of the line.

  • pt is the point.